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ERP Success

ERP failures happen more often than any company would like to admit.  An overly complex system, unanticipated cost increases and misalignment between the software and a business’s processes are just some of the pitfalls that can plague any ERP project. But with knowledge and foresight, these mishaps can be prevented.

This article outlines a proven methodology for successfully implementing an ERP system. From outlining your project goals to ensuring a smooth go-live and beyond, this plan breaks down the steps crucial for achieving a streamlined and value-driven ERP experience.

Step 1: Define Goals and Assemble Your Team

Achieving true ERP success demands clarity of purpose. It’s crucial to spend adequate time in the planning phase, ensuring that your objectives are clear-cut and tangible.  Before deciding on specific software, take a step back and identify the most prevalent hurdles for your business. Do you suffer from poor inventory management? Or perhaps disconnected communication chains stifle workflows?

Pinpointing these exact areas where improvement is needed allows you to tailor your ERP system specifically to those pain points. Once you have an in-depth understanding of your core business goals, you can create an ERP system that will help you drive efficiency, maximise resources, and improve the bottom line.

A successful ERP implementation relies heavily on a dedicated team with appropriate skills and authority. You’ll need a strong, competent project leader capable of coordinating with every area of your company, along with support from the executive leadership level. This commitment assures you have the power to drive project-wide implementation.

ERP Success

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The Roadmap to ERP Success: A Step-by-Step Guide to Implementing Your New System

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Step 2: Select the Right ERP Software

One size does not fit all when it comes to ERP systems. With countless options on the market, it can seem overwhelming to make the right selection. To streamline and maximise your system, take time to thoroughly assess your needs.  Focus on the functions most important to your company’s processes. Would industry-specific solutions offer you valuable tools, or perhaps cloud-based deployments better suit your infrastructure? Carefully analyse your existing systems and ensure that any chosen ERP platform can adequately integrate with and enhance them.

Don’t shy away from asking vendors for in-depth demonstrations. Many ERP systems offer extensive trials, giving your team the opportunity to directly engage with the software and judge its potential efficacy.

Step 2: Select the Right ERP Software

One size does not fit all when it comes to ERP systems. With countless options on the market, it can seem overwhelming to make the right selection. To streamline and maximise your system, take time to thoroughly assess your needs.  Focus on the functions most important to your company’s processes. Would industry-specific solutions offer you valuable tools, or perhaps cloud-based deployments better suit your infrastructure? Carefully analyse your existing systems and ensure that any chosen ERP platform can adequately integrate with and enhance them.

Don’t shy away from asking vendors for in-depth demonstrations. Many ERP systems offer extensive trials, giving your team the opportunity to directly engage with the software and judge its potential efficacy.

Step 3: Design, Data Management and Testing

With your goals in place and the ideal software in hand, the true customisation process begins. It’s time to map out how exactly your ERP system will complement the way your business works. Thoroughly assess and optimise your current business practices; this is the time to make adjustments and design new workflows tailored to maximise productivity.

Data migration poses a vital aspect of any ERP deployment. This is not a step to rush through. Your legacy systems likely contain years of crucial data that require careful transfer into your new ERP. Proper data cleansing, mapping, and conversion strategies are necessary to maintain information integrity throughout this process. It’s an opportune time to identify issues like inaccurate or redundant data before moving it into your new system.

ERP systems, especially intricate ones, demand strict testing before they officially launch. It’s important to plan realistic user-testing scenarios with employees from multiple departments.  By actively addressing the feedback collected at this stage, you can proactively identify and troubleshoot issues before major problems rear their heads.

Step 4: Training and Adoption

A brand new ERP system doesn’t simply launch and solve every issue by itself; user adoption plays a crucial part in its ultimate success. It’s your employees who will interact with the new software every day; without proper training and support, frustration and a decline in overall productivity may appear.

Develop personalised training sessions specific to various roles within your company. It’s advisable to start with smaller groups; as employees acclimate, they themselves can become valuable tutors for colleagues. Create thorough training materials with step-by-step instructions, screenshots, and easily accessible reference documents. Ensure your employees have sufficient time to practise operating the new system under minimal pressure.

Promoting positive attitudes towards the ERP transformation is a vital step towards wider adoption.  Ensure consistent communication and transparency on the anticipated benefits and how the new system aligns with the company’s goals.

Develop personalised training sessions specific to various roles within your company. It’s advisable to start with smaller groups; as employees acclimate, they themselves can become valuable tutors for colleagues. Create thorough training materials with step-by-step instructions, screenshots, and easily accessible reference documents. Ensure your employees have sufficient time to practise operating the new system under minimal pressure.

Promoting positive attitudes towards the ERP transformation is a vital step towards wider adoption.  Ensure consistent communication and transparency on the anticipated benefits and how the new system aligns with the company’s goals.

Step 5: Go-live and Beyond

After months of rigorous preparation, your go-live date finally arrives. While exciting, this can also be a period of increased complexity. It’s crucial to have a plan and dedicate staff fully to this transition period. Monitor usage closely, troubleshoot any immediate issues, and address lingering questions swiftly.

Don’t make the mistake of assuming an ERP deployment is a one-time project. As technology evolves and your business grows, your ERP system will also need continual attention. Ensure that staff possess the knowledge to perform software updates, data backups, and ongoing maintenance. Consider establishing a feedback loop mechanism for your users, providing avenues for them to raise any concerns or suggest improvements for the system.

Maximising Your ERP Success

To truly experience the positive transformative effects of your ERP system, consider taking on a phased approach during your implementation. Begin by tackling the most urgent business processes and functionalities. This provides employees with time to adjust as they gradually incorporate the system into their routines. This approach avoids creating an environment of total workplace disruption.

Always stay alert for upcoming advancements, updates, and new functionalities your ERP vendor may release. Assess their applicability to your company and make calculated decisions on whether further expansion could provide additional value.

It’s important to acknowledge that an ERP system serves as a tool. To achieve genuine ROI, the software must be accompanied by robust process standardisation, ongoing employee support, and continuous performance evaluation.

ERP implementations can be daunting, but with the right partner, they can be transformative. 

DWR, a leading NetSuite partner, has the expertise and experience to guide you through every step of your ERP journey. We’ll work closely with you to understand your business needs, tailor a NetSuite solution, and ensure a successful implementation that maximises your return on investment.  Don’t settle for ERP mediocrity – contact DWR today to start your transformation!


ERP Success FAQs

How long does a typical ERP implementation take?

The duration of an ERP implementation can vary significantly depending on the size of your company, the complexity of your business processes, and the scope of the ERP system itself. As a general guideline, implementations can take anywhere from a few months to over a year.

What should I look for in an ERP vendor?

Some factors to consider when choosing an ERP vendor:

  • Industry experience and relevant expertise
  • Proven track record and positive testimonials
  • Scalability of the software to grow with your business
  • Strong customer support and training resources
  • Compatibility with your existing IT infrastructure

How can I ensure a smooth ERP go-live?

Here are some best practices for a successful go-live:

  • Thorough testing and debugging prior to launch
  • The phased rollout, introducing modules gradually
  • Dedicated support staff to handle questions and issues
  • Clear communication plan for all employees

What are the most common causes of ERP failure?

ERP projects fail for a variety of reasons, some of the most common include:

  • Lack of clear goals and objectives
  • Inadequate planning and preparation
  • Insufficient user training and adoption
  • Poor communication and change management
  • Choosing the wrong ERP software
Tiernan OConnor

Tiernan O'Connor is an accomplished Sales Director and NetSuite expert at DWR Consulting, a top-tier NetSuite Solution Provider and Implementation Partner. With over 25 years of experience in Sales, Marketing, Cloud ERP and technology, Tiernan has become a trusted authority in the NetSuite Partner community, helping businesses of all sizes streamline their operations and achieve success. Tiernan's in-depth understanding of NetSuite's capabilities and his extensive experience in implementing cloud-based ERP solutions have positioned him as a thought leader in the industry. He is known for his ability to identify and execute tailored strategies that meet each client's unique needs, ensuring they unlock the full potential of NetSuite's powerful features. Connect with Tiernan on LinkedIn Tiernan's in-depth understanding of NetSuite's capabilities and his extensive experience in implementing cloud-based ERP solutions have positioned him as a thought leader in the industry. He is known for his ability to identify and execute tailored strategies that meet each client's unique needs, ensuring they unlock the full potential of NetSuite's powerful features. Connect with Tiernan on LinkedIn

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