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Why NetSuite is the Best Manufacturing Software for Small Business - Video

Manufacturers are the backbone of any economy, fueling innovation and propelling forward advancements. They harness technology, expertise, and resources to transform raw materials into products, creating value, solving problems, and improving lives. From the smallest startup creating a niche, bespoke items to the most significant multinational firms mass-producing globally sought-after goods, manufacturers form an integral part of society’s fabric.

Whilst there are different types of manufacturing environments, most businesses need to manage a wide range of complex and integrated processes, from sourcing materials and scheduling to managing production and ensuring quality control standards are met. Their expertise and dedication are paramount in meeting customer demands and delivering high-quality products.

In this article, we will explore key elements of manufacturing operations and how NetSuite’s MRP and other business management solutions provide manufacturers with a single source of truth to increase efficiency, minimise wastage, plan for demand and streamline production operations.

Key Benefits of NetSuite Manufacturing Edition

Streamlining Complex Processes with Manufacturing Software Built for Industry

In the manufacturing industry, the management of complex processes is crucial. The transformation of raw materials into a finished product involves intricate steps, which can be efficiently managed with advanced manufacturing software like NetSuite. Offering real-time visibility over the entire supply chain, NetSuite facilitates informed decisions, enabling businesses to control production costs and enhance quality assurance.

Unifying Business Processes for a Wide Range of Operations

NetSuite is a complete cloud-based solution which unifies diverse business processes. Be it financial management, inventory control, warehouse management, customer relationship management, or production planning, NetSuite has got it all covered. This holistic approach helps manufacturing companies simplify operations, eliminate manual processes, and achieve their business objectives more efficiently.

Facilitating Efficient Inventory and Supply Chain Management

Inventory management is a critical aspect of any manufacturing business. NetSuite offers robust tools for inventory control, ensuring that companies maintain an optimal stock level. By integrating supply chain management, it also assists in tracking the movement of goods, from raw materials sourcing to the delivery of the finished product, in real-time.

Enhancing Customer Service and Relationship Management

Customer service is the backbone of a successful manufacturing business. NetSuite’s integrated customer relationship management (CRM) system allows manufacturing businesses to meet customer expectations and build strong customer relationships. It provides real-time data about customer interactions, thereby empowering businesses to deliver superior customer service.

Real-Time Data to Support Effective Decision-Making

The power of real-time visibility cannot be underestimated in today’s data-driven world. NetSuite provides manufacturing businesses with real-time data, enabling them to monitor their production management processes, manage inventory, control production costs, and make data-driven decisions. This level of insight is vital for managing complex processes efficiently and effectively.

Enhancing Customer Service and Relationship Management

Customer service is the backbone of a successful manufacturing business. NetSuite’s integrated customer relationship management (CRM) system allows manufacturing businesses to meet customer expectations and build strong customer relationships. It provides real-time data about customer interactions, thereby empowering businesses to deliver superior customer service.

Real-Time Data to Support Effective Decision-Making

The power of real-time visibility cannot be underestimated in today’s data-driven world. NetSuite provides manufacturing businesses with real-time data, enabling them to monitor their production management processes, manage inventory, control production costs, and make data-driven decisions. This level of insight is vital for managing complex processes efficiently and effectively.

How NetSuite Drives Efficient Manufacturing Processes

In the manufacturing industry, the management of complex processes is crucial. The transformation of raw materials into a finished product involves intricate steps, which can be efficiently managed with advanced manufacturing software like NetSuite. Offering real-time visibility over the entire supply chain, NetSuite facilitates informed decisions, enabling businesses to control production costs, other additional costs and enhance quality assurance.

From Product Design to Material Planning

The journey of manufacturing begins with product design and planning. Here, NetSuite shines by offering comprehensive tools to aid in the creation and planning stages. By integrating product lifecycle management capabilities, it allows businesses to streamline the planning process, resulting in better product designs and more efficient production schedules.

Sourcing Raw Materials and Procurement

NetSuite simplifies the procurement process by providing a holistic view of supplier relationships, facilitating efficient sourcing of raw materials. With NetSuite, businesses can ensure they’re getting the best value from their suppliers, resulting in cost savings and improved supplier relationships.

Optimising the Supply Chain

With NetSuite’s robust supply chain management features, businesses can achieve supply chain optimisation. It provides real-time visibility into the supply chain, enabling companies to track product movement, manage inventory levels, and anticipate and respond to supply chain disruptions promptly.

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Streamlining Demand and Supply Planning

Effective demand and supply planning is critical in manufacturing. NetSuite’s advanced forecasting and demand planning capabilities allow businesses to accurately anticipate demand, align it with supply, and maintain optimal inventory levels.

Enhancing Production Planning

NetSuite’s production planning and supply chain capabilities provide users with the necessary tools to accurately plan, track, and manage production operations. It offers a range of features that support the monitoring of material availability, scheduling of raw materials, production capacities, and timely delivery of finished products.

Facilitating Resource Scheduling

Scheduling is a critical aspect of manufacturing management. It involves planning and allocating resources, including manpower, equipment, and materials, to ensure optimal productivity and timely order fulfilment. Efficient scheduling minimises downtime, prevents bottlenecks, and maximises the utilisation of resources, ultimately contributing to improved efficiency and customer satisfaction.

Through effective resource scheduling, NetSuite helps businesses optimise the use of their assets, whether it’s human resources, machinery, or materials. This leads to improved productivity and minimised downtime.

Simplifying Work Order Creation

NetSuite’s Work Order Creation feature allows users to quickly and efficiently create work orders with just a few clicks. The system automatically assigns resources based on availability, tracks order progress in real-time and generates detailed reports on the production process. This eliminates the need to manually enter data or manually assign resources, freeing up time for more strategic tasks.

Shop Floor Control

For both discrete, process and job shop manufacturers controlling activities on the factory floor can be complicated. NetSuite offers shop floor control functionality which refers to the management and control of activities taking place on the shop floor. It involves overseeing personnel, equipment, and resources to ensure smooth operations and adherence to production schedules. 

Systemising Quality Control Procedures

Quality control is integral to ensuring customers are satisfied with finished goods. NetSuite aids in maintaining high-quality standards by tracking product quality in real-time, enabling swift corrective action when needed.

Streamlining Warehouse and Order Fulfilment 

NetSuite streamlines the order fulfilment process by integrating it with inventory management and warehouse operations. This ensures that customers receive their orders accurately and on time, leading to improved customer satisfaction.

Systemising Quality Control Procedures

Quality control is integral to ensuring customers are satisfied with finished goods. NetSuite aids in maintaining high-quality standards by tracking product quality in real-time, enabling swift corrective action when needed.

Streamlining Warehouse and Order Fulfilment 

NetSuite streamlines the order fulfilment process by integrating it with inventory management and warehouse operations. This ensures that customers receive their orders accurately and on time, leading to improved customer satisfaction.

Unique Systems Challenges for Manufacturers

Small and midsize manufacturing businesses face unique challenges as they strive for growth in a competitive landscape. These businesses require agile management, flexible processes, and efficient resource allocation to seize opportunities and overcome obstacles. By leveraging their size advantage, small and midsize manufacturers can innovate, respond quickly to market changes, and build strong customer relationships.

Dynamic Scheduling

Dynamic scheduling is a crucial function of NetSuite’s manufacturing software, which allows small business owners to get the most out of their production process. With dynamic scheduling, businesses can adjust their production schedules quickly and easily in order to respond to changing customer demands and fluctuations in supply chain demand. This feature helps to increase efficiency by eliminating wasted time and resources, allowing businesses to better manage their inventory levels,

WIP Accounting

WIP accounting is an essential part of any manufacturing business. It enables you to keep track of the raw materials, labour, and overhead costs associated with producing goods. NetSuite offers a wide range of tools to help small businesses manage their WIP accounting in order to ensure that they are accurately representing the value of partially completed goods in line with GAAP standards.

Job Costing

Job costing is another important part of manufacturing, and it’s essential for small businesses to track their costs accurately in order to stay competitive. NetSuite’s job costing feature provides a comprehensive solution for tracking all aspects of the job costs associated with production. It enables small business owners to analyse expenses and unallocated overheads, compare estimates to actual results, and calculate profitability on each project to ensure that resources are being used efficiently.

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Unlock the Power of NetSuite: Download the Buyer's Guide Today

Navigating the diverse landscape of ERP software solutions can be daunting. With the NetSuite Buyer's Guide, you'll gain access to insider knowledge that empowers you to make the best decisions for your company. Get detailed insights into NetSuite's capabilities from operations, financial management, customer relationship management, and more.

NetSuite Buyers Guide 2023

NetSuite’s Role in Financial and Cost Management for Manufacturers

Manufacturing businesses need to effectively manage costs to maintain their financial health and boost profitability. NetSuite, as a comprehensive manufacturing software, aids in this crucial task.

The Importance of Cost Management in Manufacturing

In manufacturing operations, controlling expenses at each stage – from raw material procurement to accounting for overheads – is pivotal. With NetSuite, manufacturers can analyse cost drivers, implement cost-saving measures, and maximise the value of each expenditure. This not only improves financial performance but also boosts competitiveness in the market.

Accounting Accuracy and Compliance with NetSuite

Accurate accounting practices are paramount for manufacturers, aiding in tracking revenues, expenses, and assets. These processes facilitate regulatory compliance and provide insightful data for financial decision-making. With NetSuite’s robust accounting systems, businesses can manage accounts payable and receivable, track inventory costs, and generate accurate financial statements for stakeholders.

Financial Management for Resource Optimisation

NetSuite accounting solution for manufacturers aids in effective financial management by providing tools for planning and optimising financial resources on a single platform. This includes budgeting, cash flow management, and financial analysis. With the ability to forecast financial needs, monitor key performance indicators, and make data-driven financial decisions, manufacturers can ensure sustainable growth and improved profitability.

Expense Tracking for Cost Control

NetSuite’s expense tracking features enable manufacturers to gain visibility into their costs and identify areas of inefficiency or overspending. Analysing expense patterns can lead to data-driven decisions and strategies that reduce waste, optimise procurement, and increase cost-effectiveness.

Streamlining Accounts Receivable

An efficient accounts receivable process is key to maintaining healthy cash flow. NetSuite aids manufacturers by ensuring timely and accurate invoicing, credit management, and collections, minimising late payments and maintaining positive customer relationships.

Production Cost Analysis

NetSuite allows manufacturers to analyse all expenses directly related to the manufacturing process. These include labour, raw materials, equipment, and overhead costs. By identifying areas for improvement and driving cost efficiency, manufacturers can reduce production costs and increase profitability.

Operational Cost Management

NetSuite assists in streamlining non-production expenses or operational costs, such as utilities, rent, maintenance, and administrative expenses. By promoting efficient resource utilisation and process optimisation, NetSuite helps manufacturers maintain financial stability and competitive pricing.

NetSuite ERP’s Impact on Inventory and Supply Chain Management

NetSuite’s Enterprise Resource Planning Software’s role in optimising inventory management and supply chain operations for manufacturers is integral for ensuring efficiency and timely delivery.

Efficient Warehouse Management

Warehouse management involves the systematic organisation, storage, and movement of inventory within a manufacturing facility. With NetSuite, manufacturers can ensure efficient utilisation of space, accurate inventory tracking, and streamlined order fulfilment. By implementing this robust inventory management system, businesses can reduce storage costs, avoid stockouts, and maintain optimum stock levels.

Striking a Balance with Inventory Control

Inventory control is key in managing stock levels and meeting customer demands. NetSuite offers advanced tools that aid in optimising inventory levels, such as just-in-time (JIT) inventory management and automated reorder systems. By monitoring demand patterns and improving forecast accuracy, manufacturers can balance customer satisfaction and carrying costs.

Procurement and Supplier Management for Raw Materials

Raw materials form the base of manufacturing operations. NetSuite aids in effective procurement and supplier management, ensuring a reliable supply of quality materials. Strong supplier relationships, favourable terms, and quality monitoring help mitigate supply chain risks, reduce costs, and maintain consistent production processes.

Seamless Supply Chain Management

NetSuite ensures seamless operations of end-to-end supply chain management activities – from procurement to logistics and distribution. By streamlining these processes and enhancing collaboration with suppliers and partners, NetSuite provides manufacturers with real-time visibility and efficient order fulfilment.

Collaboration and Integration Across the Supply Chain

With NetSuite, manufacturers can optimise operations by fostering strong relationships across the supply chain, from suppliers to end customers. The shared information and integrated systems result in greater efficiency, reduced lead times, and enhanced customer satisfaction.

The Wrap Up

Over the past two decades, NetSuite has emerged as the best manufacturing software for small businesses. The complexity of managing the multitude of integrated processes in the manufacturing sector can be overwhelming without the right software systems in place. This is where NetSuite’s comprehensive and holistic suite of solutions comes in, modernising processes and driving efficiency across every stage of manufacturing operations. 

From product design and raw material sourcing to inventory management and order fulfilment, NetSuite creates a streamlined and integrated environment, facilitating real-time data visibility and robust decision-making. As we’ve explored in this article, manufacturers can leverage NetSuite to navigate their unique challenges, optimise resources, manage costs, and ensure customer satisfaction. 

Above all, NetSuite empowers manufacturers to harness technology for growth, making it the leading choice for cloud manufacturing software in the small business sector.

Tiernan OConnor

Tiernan O'Connor is an accomplished Sales Director and NetSuite expert at DWR Consulting, a top-tier NetSuite Solution Provider and Implementation Partner. With over 25 years of experience in Sales, Marketing, Cloud ERP and technology, Tiernan has become a trusted authority in the NetSuite Partner community, helping businesses of all sizes streamline their operations and achieve success. Tiernan's in-depth understanding of NetSuite's capabilities and his extensive experience in implementing cloud-based ERP solutions have positioned him as a thought leader in the industry. He is known for his ability to identify and execute tailored strategies that meet each client's unique needs, ensuring they unlock the full potential of NetSuite's powerful features. Connect with Tiernan on LinkedIn Tiernan's in-depth understanding of NetSuite's capabilities and his extensive experience in implementing cloud-based ERP solutions have positioned him as a thought leader in the industry. He is known for his ability to identify and execute tailored strategies that meet each client's unique needs, ensuring they unlock the full potential of NetSuite's powerful features. Connect with Tiernan on LinkedIn

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