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Optus Outage

The recent Optus Outage that began at around 4:05 am on a seemingly ordinary Wednesday morning, serves as a stark reminder of this fact. Spanning more than a gruelling twelve hours, this incident wasn’t a fleeting inconvenience but a sharp jolt that exposed the fragility of dated legacy systems within Australia’s telecommunications sector. The Optus network issues weren’t just a technical glitch; they brought to light the unseen risks lurking within aged infrastructure and the cascading effect they have on every facet of our digital lives.

Optus’s vague assurances post-outage have done little to dismiss the gnawing suspicion that an incident like this is not only indicative of an immediate oversight but also symptomatic of deeper systemic vulnerabilities. As we explore this failure, one concern should crystalise: could your business’s reliance on outdated systems be the single point of failure waiting to be triggered?

Identifying the Root Cause: Optus’s Explanation

Pinpointing the crux of the Optus internet outage, the telecommunications giant’s debrief reveals that a so-called routine software upgrade was mismanaged, leading to an unprecedented flood of routing information changes. This deluge was enough to overwhelm the key routers within the Optus IP Core network—an event characterised not merely as a technical fault but more pointedly, as human error.

Every router acts as a traffic warden for data, assessing and channelling it through the web’s complex networks. What unfolded during the Optus mobile outage is best understood not as an isolated incident but as indicative of a larger vulnerability within Optus’s infrastructure. 

Upgrading to Future-Proof Telecommunications Infrastructure

This incident goes beyond a mere technical hiccup; it highlights the inherent risks in legacy systems, risks that are often invisible until a crisis strikes. The Optus episode, with its cascading effects, serves as a wake-up call for businesses everywhere, emphasising the need for modern, resilient infrastructure.

Optus Outage

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Why Dated Legacy Systems Could Be Your Companies Biggest Risk: Optus Outage Explored

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This event stands as a stark reminder of the importance of upgrading legacy systems for businesses of all sizes. In an era where technology evolves rapidly, maintaining modern technological infrastructure is critical not only for seamless daily operations but also for meeting changing consumer expectations and adhering to industry standards.

Learning from the Optus Incident

The lessons from Optus extend beyond recognising the risks associated with outdated systems. They underscore the need for a proactive approach to ensure business continuity, security, and competitiveness in a digital landscape. This incident has made it clear that upgrading technological infrastructure is not a luxury but a vital component of strategic business planning. 

This event stands as a stark reminder of the importance of upgrading legacy systems for businesses of all sizes. In an era where technology evolves rapidly, maintaining modern technological infrastructure is critical not only for seamless daily operations but also for meeting changing consumer expectations and adhering to industry standards.

Learning from the Optus Incident

The lessons from Optus extend beyond recognising the risks associated with outdated systems. They underscore the need for a proactive approach to ensure business continuity, security, and competitiveness in a digital landscape. This incident has made it clear that upgrading technological infrastructure is not a luxury but a vital component of strategic business planning. 

Why Upgrading to Cloud ERP is Critical

This situation underscores the necessity for businesses to upgrade to more robust and flexible systems like cloud-based ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning). Cloud ERP provides several key advantages over traditional systems:

Enhanced Resilience

Cloud ERP systems are specifically designed to handle large volumes of data and traffic with remarkable efficiency. This capability is crucial in today’s data-driven business environment, where system overloads and failures can have devastating effects. By leveraging cloud ERP, businesses can significantly reduce the risk of such system breakdowns. These systems are built to manage high demand and complex operations, ensuring that business processes run smoothly even under increased loads.

Better Risk Management

One of the standout features of cloud ERP systems is their advanced security protocols. In an era where cyber threats and data breaches are increasingly common, having a system that is fortified against such risks is invaluable. Cloud ERP systems are regularly updated to address the latest security challenges, ensuring that your business’s data and operations are always protected. This proactive approach to security not only safeguards critical business information but also builds trust with clients and stakeholders.

Scalability and Flexibility

In contrast to legacy systems, which often struggle to adapt to changing business needs, cloud ERP systems offer remarkable scalability and flexibility. This means that as a business grows or its needs evolve, the ERP system can easily scale and adapt. Whether it’s integrating new technologies, expanding data storage capacity, or adding new functionalities, cloud ERP systems allow for seamless transitions. This adaptability is essential for businesses looking to stay agile and responsive in a dynamic market.

Improved Disaster Recovery

Another significant advantage of cloud-based ERP systems is their robust disaster recovery plans. Unforeseen disruptions, whether caused by technical failures, natural disasters, or other emergencies, can be detrimental to business continuity. Cloud ERP systems are equipped with comprehensive disaster recovery protocols, ensuring that data is backed up and can be quickly restored. This resilience ensures that businesses can maintain continuity and minimise downtime, even in challenging circumstances.

Sector-Specific Impacts of Legacy Systems

The Optus incident’s wide-ranging effects highlight the urgent need for technological upgrades across various sectors. Each industry faces unique challenges with legacy systems, and the benefits of modernisation are equally distinct.

Improved Disaster Recovery

Another significant advantage of cloud-based ERP systems is their robust disaster recovery plans. Unforeseen disruptions, whether caused by technical failures, natural disasters, or other emergencies, can be detrimental to business continuity. Cloud ERP systems are equipped with comprehensive disaster recovery protocols, ensuring that data is backed up and can be quickly restored. This resilience ensures that businesses can maintain continuity and minimise downtime, even in challenging circumstances.

Sector-Specific Impacts of Legacy Systems

The Optus incident’s wide-ranging effects highlight the urgent need for technological upgrades across various sectors. Each industry faces unique challenges with legacy systems, and the benefits of modernisation are equally distinct.


In the telecommunications sector, the reliance on outdated systems creates vulnerability to outages, severely impacting customer trust. Upgrading to more advanced technologies, such as 5G networks, can significantly enhance reliability and customer satisfaction. Modern systems are better equipped to handle the high demands of today’s data and communication needs, thereby reducing the risk of outages and strengthening the overall network infrastructure.


The retail industry suffers from faulty transactions and operational inefficiencies due to outdated systems. By upgrading to modern solutions, retailers can offer seamless payment experiences and better integrate with contemporary banking systems. This not only improves transaction efficiency but also enhances the customer experience, an essential factor in the competitive retail landscape.


Legacy systems in healthcare pose risks of data breaches and inefficient patient management. Upgrading to newer technologies ensures better data security and more streamlined patient care processes. With modern systems, healthcare providers can manage patient information more effectively, leading to improved patient outcomes and higher standards of care.


In the finance sector, outdated systems can lead to sluggish transaction processing and issues with regulatory compliance. Modernising these systems allows for real-time financial analysis and ensures adherence to the latest regulations. This is crucial for maintaining the integrity of financial operations and for keeping pace with the rapidly evolving regulatory landscape.


The education sector, particularly with the rise of remote learning, is hindered by limited capabilities and outdated research tools. Upgrading legacy systems can revolutionise this sector by providing enhanced e-learning platforms and greater access to digital resources. This shift not only improves the quality of education but also expands its reach, making learning more accessible and effective.

Embracing Modern Solutions for Future Success

The imperative for technological upgrades across various sectors cannot be overstated. Moving away from legacy systems is not merely a step towards modernisation; it’s a strategic move towards unlocking potential for growth, achieving greater efficiency, and enhancing service delivery. The Optus outage serves as a pivotal reminder of the perils associated with outdated technologies. It underscores the urgency of adopting contemporary solutions to navigate and excel in today’s fast-paced digital era.

Modern technology, particularly Cloud ERP systems, offers a transformative pathway for businesses. By embracing these advanced solutions, organisations can not only mitigate the risks highlighted by the Optus incident but also position themselves for sustained success. Upgrading to cloud-based systems is an investment in a future where flexibility, scalability, and security are paramount.

However, understanding and implementing these technologies can be a complex process. That’s where the expertise of DWR’s team of Cloud ERP specialists comes into play. Our team is dedicated to helping businesses transition smoothly from their outdated systems to cutting-edge cloud solutions. We offer personalised guidance and support throughout the journey, ensuring that your business reaps the full benefits of modern technology.

We invite you to take the first step towards securing your business’s future. Reach out to DWR’s team of Cloud ERP experts today. Let us help you navigate the complexities of modern technology and transform your business processes. With our expertise, your organisation can confidently embrace the digital era, ready to meet the challenges and seize the opportunities it presents. Contact us now to begin your journey towards technological excellence and business resilience.

Tiernan OConnor

Tiernan O'Connor is an accomplished Sales Director and NetSuite expert at DWR Consulting, a top-tier NetSuite Solution Provider and Implementation Partner. With over 25 years of experience in Sales, Marketing, Cloud ERP and technology, Tiernan has become a trusted authority in the NetSuite Partner community, helping businesses of all sizes streamline their operations and achieve success. Tiernan's in-depth understanding of NetSuite's capabilities and his extensive experience in implementing cloud-based ERP solutions have positioned him as a thought leader in the industry. He is known for his ability to identify and execute tailored strategies that meet each client's unique needs, ensuring they unlock the full potential of NetSuite's powerful features. Connect with Tiernan on LinkedIn Tiernan's in-depth understanding of NetSuite's capabilities and his extensive experience in implementing cloud-based ERP solutions have positioned him as a thought leader in the industry. He is known for his ability to identify and execute tailored strategies that meet each client's unique needs, ensuring they unlock the full potential of NetSuite's powerful features. Connect with Tiernan on LinkedIn

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