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Professional Services Automation

From streamlining operations to enhancing decision-making, the right technology can make or break a business. A recent study by McKinsey reveals that businesses adopting automation technologies, like Professional Services Automation (PSA) software, can experience a staggering 20-30% improvement in efficiency across their operations. This isn’t just a marginal gain – it’s the kind of improvement that can propel a business to the forefront of its industry.

But what happens when two similar companies choose two very different paths? This article explores the contrasting stories of two consulting firms – one that embraces automation and another that clings to traditional methods. Through their experiences, we’ll see firsthand how the right technology can transform business success, and what the consequences can be for those who resist change.

The Case for Automation

Why Automation is Essential in Modern Business

The modern business landscape is more competitive and complex than ever before. Clients expect faster turnaround times, higher levels of accuracy, and more personalised services. In this environment, businesses that rely on outdated methods, like manual data entry or fragmented systems, are at a significant disadvantage. They struggle with inefficiencies, errors, and delays that can frustrate clients and erode profitability.

This is where Professional Services Automation (PSA) software comes into play. PSA software is designed to streamline operations by integrating all aspects of a professional services firm’s workflow – from project management and resource allocation to billing and analytics. The benefits are clear: improved efficiency, reduced errors, and real-time visibility into projects and finances.

Imagine being able to see at a glance where every project stands, what resources are being used, and how profitable each initiative is. PSA software offers this level of insight, enabling businesses to make data-driven decisions that optimise performance. For firms that adopt this technology, the result is not just staying competitive – it’s gaining a decisive edge over rivals who are still mired in outdated processes.

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A Tale of Two Consulting Firms: Embracing vs. Resisting Change

Let’s meet two companies operating in the same industry but following vastly different paths. Modern Edge Consulting, led by the forward-thinking CEO Claire Thompson, has fully embraced technology. Recognising the inefficiencies in their previous operations, Claire made the strategic decision to implement NetSuite’s PSA software across all their locations. This decision wasn’t just about keeping up with the times—it was about leading the way in an increasingly competitive market.

On the other hand, Old Guard Solutions, under the leadership of the seasoned CEO Mark Lawson, remains steadfast in its reliance on traditional methods. Mark has built his career on the tried-and-true methods of the past—spreadsheets, whiteboards, and disparate software systems. While these methods have served him well for decades, the rapid pace of technological change has left him sceptical of overhauling their existing processes. Despite the growing inefficiencies, Mark and his team are hesitant to embrace new technologies, preferring the familiarity of their current systems.

A Day in the Life

8 AM. The Start of a Typical Day

At Modern Edge Consulting, Claire begins her day by logging into NetSuite’s PSA dashboard. With just a few clicks, she has a real-time overview of all ongoing projects across their four locations. She can see resource allocation, project timelines, and financial performance, all in one place. Emily, the head of operations, receives an automated alert about a project in Brisbane that is nearing its budget threshold. She quickly adjusts the resource allocation, ensuring the project remains profitable without any delays.

Over at Old Guard Solutions, Mark starts his day by reviewing the latest spreadsheets sent to him by the heads of each location. Each file is different in format and content, making it a challenge to piece together a coherent picture of the company’s overall performance. James, the head of operations, spends hours manually consolidating these reports into a master spreadsheet. By mid-morning, he realises that a project in Melbourne has exceeded its budget, but by the time the information reaches Mark, it’s too late to take corrective action.

12:30pm: Managing Unexpected Change Requests

Midday brings a common challenge for both companies – a major client in Sydney requests an urgent change to their project scope. At Modern Edge Consulting, the request is logged into the NetSuite system, triggering an automated update to the project plan, budget, and resource allocation. Claire and Emily are immediately notified, and they quickly convene a virtual meeting with the project manager in Sydney. Within an hour, the changes are approved, and the project continues without a hitch.

At Old Guard Solutions, the client’s request is communicated through an email to Mark, who forwards it to James. James then updates the project details on a whiteboard in their Sydney office and sends an email to the project manager. However, the project manager is out in the field and doesn’t see the update until late in the afternoon. By the time the changes are implemented, the project is already behind schedule, causing frustration for the client and a scramble for the team.

Midday brings a common challenge for both companies – a major client in Sydney requests an urgent change to their project scope. At Modern Edge Consulting, the request is logged into the NetSuite system, triggering an automated update to the project plan, budget, and resource allocation. Claire and Emily are immediately notified, and they quickly convene a virtual meeting with the project manager in Sydney. Within an hour, the changes are approved, and the project continues without a hitch.

At Old Guard Solutions, the client’s request is communicated through an email to Mark, who forwards it to James. James then updates the project details on a whiteboard in their Sydney office and sends an email to the project manager. However, the project manager is out in the field and doesn’t see the update until late in the afternoon. By the time the changes are implemented, the project is already behind schedule, causing frustration for the client and a scramble for the team.

3:00pm: Taking Time Out for a Strategic Planning Session

In the afternoon, Claire and Emily at Modern Edge Consulting take some time for strategic planning. With the powerful analytics provided by their PSA software, they can analyse past projects, identify trends, and forecast future needs. They notice that projects in Perth consistently finish under budget, leading them to allocate more resources there for an upcoming initiative. The data-driven insights give them the confidence to make bold decisions that align with their long-term growth strategy.

Meanwhile, at Old Guard Solutions, Mark and James struggle with their strategic planning session. The data they have is fragmented and outdated, making it difficult to identify trends or make informed decisions. Mark relies on his intuition, based on years of experience, but even he knows that it’s becoming harder to keep up with the complexities of running a national consulting firm. The uncertainty leaves them hesitant to make significant changes, opting instead for a conservative approach that limits their growth potential.

6:00pm: Wrapping Up the Day

As the day winds down, Claire and Emily review the day’s activities on their NetSuite dashboard. They’re satisfied with the efficiency and transparency that the system provides, confident that they’re on track to meet their targets. Claire sends out a quick message to all location managers, praising them for their work and reminding them to check the updated project timelines for tomorrow. She logs off with a sense of accomplishment, knowing that Modern Edge Consulting is well-positioned for success.

Mark, on the other hand, finishes his day by reviewing the latest batch of emails and checking in with James about the status of their ongoing projects. He can’t shake the feeling that there are too many unknowns and too many moving parts to manage effectively. As he heads home, he wonders if it’s time to rethink his approach, but the thought of transitioning to a new system feels daunting.

2:00am: Slumber vs. Insomnia

At 2:00am, Claire Thompson is sound asleep. The day’s successes, driven by the seamless integration of NetSuite’s PSA software, have left her with peace of mind. She knows that her business is operating smoothly, even as she sleeps. The automated systems she put in place continue to work, managing projects, monitoring budgets, and alerting the team only if something truly critical arises. Claire has built a business that doesn’t just function – it thrives, powered by technology that ensures no detail is overlooked. Her mind is at ease, knowing that Modern Edge is well-equipped to face any challenge the new day might bring.

Across town, Mark Lawson, the CEO of Old Guard Solutions, is wide awake. The day’s unresolved issues weigh heavily on his mind. The inconsistencies in the reports, the delays in project updates, and the nagging feeling that something important has been missed keep him from finding rest. He tosses and turns, replaying the day’s events and wondering if there was something he could have done differently. The thought of potential errors and missed deadlines gnaws at him. Mark knows that relying on manual processes and outdated methods is no longer sustainable, but the idea of change feels overwhelming. Sleep eludes him as he contemplates the future of his company, plagued by the fear of falling behind in an increasingly competitive market.

The Human Element – CEOs and Their Mindsets

Leadership Perspectives: The Impact of CEO Mindsets on Business Success

The contrasting outcomes of these two companies can be traced back to their leadership. Claire Thompson is a forward-thinking leader who embraces technology and understands its potential to transform her business. She sees technology not just as a tool, but as a critical component of her company’s strategy for growth and innovation. Claire’s proactive approach has enabled Modern Edge to thrive in a competitive market, where staying ahead of the curve is essential.

Mark Lawson is a traditionalist who relies on past successes and resists change. Mark’s reluctance to adopt new technologies is beginning to show cracks in his company’s foundation. As the complexities of running a nationwide consulting firm become harder to manage with outdated methods, Mark finds himself increasingly overwhelmed. The inefficiencies that were once manageable with a smaller, more localised operation have now compounded as the business has grown. His reliance on manual processes and fragmented systems is leading to delayed decisions, missed opportunities, and growing frustration among his team. Employees are burdened with tedious, repetitive tasks that could easily be automated, but Mark’s hesitation to invest in new technologies has left them stuck in a time-consuming workflow.

Mark’s resistance to change is not just about technology; it’s about comfort and familiarity. Having built his career on tried-and-true methods, he views the shift towards automation with scepticism, fearing that it might disrupt the control he’s accustomed to. However, this mindset is increasingly out of sync with the demands of the modern business environment, where agility and real-time data are key to staying competitive.

As a result, Old Guard Solutions is starting to lag behind. Clients notice the slower response times and the occasional errors that creep in due to manual handling of complex data. Internally, the morale of the team is waning as they see competitors, like Modern Edge Consulting, outperforming them by leveraging technology to deliver superior results.

Meanwhile, Claire Thompson’s willingness to embrace change and invest in technology has positioned Modern Edge Consulting as a leader in the industry. Her forward-thinking approach doesn’t just benefit the company’s operations; it also fosters a culture of innovation and continuous improvement. Claire’s team is empowered by the tools at their disposal, enabling them to focus on higher-value tasks and strategic decision-making. This not only enhances productivity but also boosts employee satisfaction and retention.

The contrasting leadership styles of Claire and Mark highlight a fundamental truth in today’s business world: the mindset of a CEO can either propel a company forward or hold it back. 

The Final Verdict – Why Automation Wins

The comparison between Modern Edge Consulting and Old Guard Solutions clearly illustrates the advantages of using Professional Services Automation (PSA) software like NetSuite. Modern Edge operates with a level of efficiency, visibility, and strategic foresight that Old Guard simply cannot match with its fragmented systems. The seamless integration of data, automated processes, and real-time analytics provided by NetSuite allows Claire and her team to stay ahead of the curve, making informed decisions that drive profitability and growth.

For Modern Edge Consulting, automation has not just improved day-to-day operations; it has fundamentally transformed how the company thinks about and executes its strategy. The ability to quickly adapt to changing circumstances, optimise resources, and maintain high levels of client satisfaction has positioned the company as a leader in its industry.

Mark and his team at Old Guard Solutions are bogged down by manual processes, fragmented information, and reactive decision-making. Their traditional methods, which once served them well, are now hindering their ability to compete. The lack of real-time data and integrated systems means that Old Guard is often one step behind, struggling to keep up with the demands of a fast-paced market.

The story of these two companies is not just a tale of different management styles – it’s a powerful example of how modern automation technologies can make or break a business. In a world where efficiency and adaptability are key, the right technology is not just an advantage; it’s a necessity.

The Takeaway? Embrace Automation or Fall Behind

The choice for businesses today is clear: embrace the future with automation or risk being left behind in the past. The difference between thriving and merely surviving in a competitive market often comes down to how effectively a company can leverage technology to improve its operations and decision-making processes.

The future of business lies in automation, and the time to make that transition is now. Businesses that embrace this change will find themselves better equipped to meet the demands of today’s clients and to navigate the challenges of tomorrow. Those that don’t may soon find themselves left behind, struggling to catch up in a world that is rapidly moving forward.

The success of a business in 2024 is heavily impacted by a willingness to adapt and embrace new technologies. The decision to invest in Professional Services Automation software could be the turning point that transforms a company from a struggling enterprise into a market leader

Tiernan OConnor

Tiernan O'Connor is an accomplished Sales Director and NetSuite expert at DWR Consulting, a top-tier NetSuite Solution Provider and Implementation Partner. With over 25 years of experience in Sales, Marketing, Cloud ERP and technology, Tiernan has become a trusted authority in the NetSuite Partner community, helping businesses of all sizes streamline their operations and achieve success. Tiernan's in-depth understanding of NetSuite's capabilities and his extensive experience in implementing cloud-based ERP solutions have positioned him as a thought leader in the industry. He is known for his ability to identify and execute tailored strategies that meet each client's unique needs, ensuring they unlock the full potential of NetSuite's powerful features. Connect with Tiernan on LinkedIn Tiernan's in-depth understanding of NetSuite's capabilities and his extensive experience in implementing cloud-based ERP solutions have positioned him as a thought leader in the industry. He is known for his ability to identify and execute tailored strategies that meet each client's unique needs, ensuring they unlock the full potential of NetSuite's powerful features. Connect with Tiernan on LinkedIn

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