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Driving Shop Floor Excellence

The global manufacturing market is poised for significant expansion, projected to reach a value of $56.93 trillion by 2028. NetSuite Manufacturing Edition positions your business to capitalise on this growth with its scalable, cloud-based infrastructure. Its features enable you to effortlessly manage increasing production volumes, expand into new markets, and seize opportunities without being hindered by on-premise limitations.

What is NetSuite Manufacturing Edition?

NetSuite Manufacturing Edition is a comprehensive, cloud-based ERP solution tailored to the needs of modern manufacturers. It integrates core business functions like finance, inventory management, production planning, supply chain management, and customer relationship management (CRM). This unified platform provides real-time visibility into all aspects of the manufacturing process, enabling data-driven decisions and transformative improvements across the board.

Mastering Production Planning & Scheduling with NetSuite Manufacturing Edition

In a manufacturing environment, efficient production planning and scheduling are paramount to success. NetSuite Manufacturing Edition provides a powerful suite of tools to empower manufacturers to better manage these critical processes and ensure the timely delivery of quality products.

Demand Forecasting: The Foundation of Optimal Planning

NetSuite doesn’t leave forecasting to guesswork. By leveraging historical sales data and predictive analytics, manufacturers gain an accurate understanding of both finished goods and component demand. This translates into production schedules precisely aligned with customer needs, avoiding stockouts and wasted resources.

Material Requirements Planning (MRP)

NetSuite’s MRP functionality simplifies complex material calculations, taking into account demand forecasts, bill of materials (BOMs), and lead times. This seamless integration ensures production isn’t stalled due to missing parts. Purchase orders and work orders for subassemblies are generated automatically, streamlining procurement and internal production processes.

Driving Shop Floor Excellence

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NetSuite Manufacturing Edition: Driving Shop Floor Excellence

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Capacity Planning

Matching production demands with your available resources (machinery, labour, etc.) is crucial. NetSuite’s capacity planning capabilities help you identify potential bottlenecks, preventing overbooking of resources or missed deadlines. This informed allocation ensures smooth operations and optimal output.

Finite Shop Floor Scheduling

Production doesn’t happen in a vacuum. NetSuite’s finite shop floor scheduling takes into account real-world constraints. It factors in setup times, work centre sequencing, and specific production requirements when building detailed schedules. This precision is especially vital in complex manufacturing environments and allows for quick adjustments if disruptions occur.

Capacity Planning

Matching production demands with your available resources (machinery, labour, etc.) is crucial. NetSuite’s capacity planning capabilities help you identify potential bottlenecks, preventing overbooking of resources or missed deadlines. This informed allocation ensures smooth operations and optimal output.

Finite Shop Floor Scheduling

Production doesn’t happen in a vacuum. NetSuite’s finite shop floor scheduling takes into account real-world constraints. It factors in setup times, work centre sequencing, and specific production requirements when building detailed schedules. This precision is especially vital in complex manufacturing environments and allows for quick adjustments if disruptions occur.

Taking Control of the Shop Floor with NetSuite Manufacturing Edition

The shop floor is the heart of a manufacturing operation, and real-time awareness of progress and potential issues is critical for success. NetSuite Manufacturing Edition provides a robust toolkit to help manage shop floor operations and increase efficiency.

Work Order Management

Gain complete visibility into the status of work orders as they progress from raw material to finished product. NetSuite tracks each stage, providing real-time insights that empower proactive decision-making and avoid costly delays.

Routing & Work Center Management

Clearly define the step-by-step sequences for each product and assign those operations to specific work centres. This improves workflows, equipment and machinery utilisation, and helps avoid production bottlenecks or idle time.

Barcode Integration

Ditch the manual data entry and avoid errors by using barcodes. Accurately track materials used, man hours logged, and finished goods produced. This streamlining enhances data integrity and improves overall efficiency.

Production Reporting

NetSuite’s real-time reporting on work order status, machine hours, and other KPIs illuminates the health of your shop floor. Identify trends, pinpoint areas for improvement, and make informed adjustments to improve operations.

Streamline Your Supply Chain with NetSuite Manufacturing Edition

Effective warehouse and supply chain management are essential to meeting production demands and exceeding customer expectations. NetSuite Manufacturing Edition provides a powerful suite of tools to optimise inventory, simplify procurement, and ensure your products consistently meet quality standards.

Inventory Management

Track real-time inventory levels in all warehouses and locations. Set smart reorder points to avoid stockouts while minimising the cost of holding excess inventory. NetSuite empowers you to balance supply and demand for optimal stock management.

Procurement & Supply Chain

Take control of the entire purchase order (PO) process, improving vendor relationships and giving you the best chance in negotiating the best possible pricing. Tight integration with NetSuite’s MRP module ensures the timely availability of materials, keeping your production lines running smoothly.

Manufacturing Quality Control

NetSuite doesn’t treat quality as a separate step. It enables you to define inspection plans, testing procedures, and corrective actions embedded within the entire supply chain. This proactive approach reduces defects, protects your brand reputation, and ensures consistently high-quality products.

Procurement & Supply Chain

Take control of the entire purchase order (PO) process, improving vendor relationships and giving you the best chance in negotiating the best possible pricing. Tight integration with NetSuite’s MRP module ensures the timely availability of materials, keeping your production lines running smoothly.

Manufacturing Quality Control

NetSuite doesn’t treat quality as a separate step. It enables you to define inspection plans, testing procedures, and corrective actions embedded within the entire supply chain. This proactive approach reduces defects, protects your brand reputation, and ensures consistently high-quality products.

Top Benefits of NetSuite Manufacturing Edition

Optimised Production Planning & Control

NetSuite makes complex production processes simple with accurate demand forecasting, robust material requirements planning (MRP), capacity planning tools, and real-time shop floor data. This enables timely adjustments, minimises bottlenecks, and increases throughput.

Efficient Supply Chain Management

NetSuite facilitates seamless vendor collaboration, empowers accurate inventory management across distributed locations, and integrates quality control processes across the supply chain. Result? Reduced errors, optimised stock levels, and improved supplier relationships.

Enhanced Cost Control & Profitability

NetSuite’s real-time costing capabilities provide unparalleled insight into true product costs. This data unveils waste reduction opportunities, enables informed pricing decisions, and drives more profitable production strategies.

Elevated Customer Satisfaction

Real-time planning and visibility ensure on-time delivery, while robust quality processes guarantee product reliability. Order tracking features provide transparency. The bottom line? Happier customers drive repeat business.

Data-Driven Decision Making

NetSuite Manufacturing Edition is a hub of actionable data. Editable reports, dashboards, and even predictive analytics empower users at all levels to make informed, timely decisions, optimising operations and anticipating future opportunities or challenges.

Scalability and Flexibility

Being cloud-based, NetSuite allows your business to grow without infrastructure limitations. Multi-site operations are easily managed, and customisable workflows adapt to your unique needs as your business evolves.

The Wrap Up

NetSuite Manufacturing Edition offers a centralised solution to tackle the complexities of modern manufacturing. Its integrated modules allow for better process management and optimised resource usage, from production planning and shop floor control to warehouse and supply chain management.  By providing real-time visibility, actionable data, and precise process control, NetSuite Manufacturing Edition helps businesses reduce costs, improve efficiency, and boost customer satisfaction. Transform your manufacturing operations with NetSuite – contact DWR, the NetSuite Manufacturing Edition experts, today.

Tiernan OConnor

Tiernan O'Connor is an accomplished Sales Director and NetSuite expert at DWR Consulting, a top-tier NetSuite Solution Provider and Implementation Partner. With over 25 years of experience in Sales, Marketing, Cloud ERP and technology, Tiernan has become a trusted authority in the NetSuite Partner community, helping businesses of all sizes streamline their operations and achieve success. Tiernan's in-depth understanding of NetSuite's capabilities and his extensive experience in implementing cloud-based ERP solutions have positioned him as a thought leader in the industry. He is known for his ability to identify and execute tailored strategies that meet each client's unique needs, ensuring they unlock the full potential of NetSuite's powerful features. Connect with Tiernan on LinkedIn Tiernan's in-depth understanding of NetSuite's capabilities and his extensive experience in implementing cloud-based ERP solutions have positioned him as a thought leader in the industry. He is known for his ability to identify and execute tailored strategies that meet each client's unique needs, ensuring they unlock the full potential of NetSuite's powerful features. Connect with Tiernan on LinkedIn

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